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#16 2021-09-12 00:40:46

Registered: 2021-08-15
Posts: 28

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

I set up a new Admin-level Windows user account. When I go into Windows Services while being logged into that account, I get to the window shown in your screenshot and selected "Log in as this account." When it asks for a password, do I type the Windows password for this new user or do I type the IDrive password?



#17 2021-09-12 01:00:32

Registered: 2018-02-23
Posts: 416

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

The Windows password for that account.



#18 2021-09-12 01:21:02

Registered: 2021-08-15
Posts: 28

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

OK, I typed in the Windows password for that new account, pressed OK, left the new account logged in and then logged back onto my regular Standard User account. When I then ran the IDrive tray program, it prompted me to log into my IDrive account. I thought, that's odd, I had never logged out, but OK, I logged back into IDrive again.

I then created a new text file and tried "Backup Now" on that file. No luck—same pop-up as usual.

I then logged back into the new account, went back into Services and noticed that the login for IDrive had been switched back to Local Account. I'm surmising that it was a result of me logging in again under the Standard User account.

Here's another thing and I noticed it when I first went into Services under the new user account. When I had first clicked on "This account" under the Log In tab, the password field was already populated with dots. I had overwritten the dots with the user's Windows password. Now when I went back into Services again under the new user account and re-selected "This account," the password field was again populated with the dots.



#19 2021-09-12 01:28:24

Registered: 2021-08-15
Posts: 28

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

OK, another clue. I went back again into the new user account, entered Services and went to the IDrive service. I again selected "This account" for log-in and typed in the user's Windows password. The last time I did this, I had hit ENTER and the window closed. This time I hit APPLY and the second I did, the option switched immediately back to "Local Account."

It seems to be telling me to let the dots stand and just hit ENTER after selecting "This account." I'm reluctant to do that since I don't know which password those dots represent. I assume they mean "the password you already set up for this user", but I'm not sure of that. Well, either that or it's a backhanded way of telling me that this user does not have sufficient rights to change the log-in properties.

Last edited by Kobac (2021-09-12 01:30:12)



#20 2021-09-12 01:33:19

Registered: 2018-02-23
Posts: 416

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

Hmmm, I'll experiment on my Win 10 VM tomorrow and get back to you.



#21 2021-09-12 01:47:24

Registered: 2021-08-15
Posts: 28

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working




#22 2021-09-12 16:43:01

Registered: 2018-02-23
Posts: 416

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

So, here's what I did...

I created a "Standard User", logged in to it and tried to backup a file from Windows Explorer.

Bingo! Got the "Unable to proceed" error:

I then launched the IDrive application (and checked the Remember me box), and tried again and was able to backup the file.

Even after a reboot, I can make subsequent backups from Windows Explorer without needing to run the IDrive Application.

This was all without changing the login account for IDriveService, but I did that also just for sh*ts and giggles and it didn't break anything.

So it seems its important that you have "Remember me" selected in the IDrive Application, otherwise it'll fail again after the Windows session it restarted (log out/in or reboot), but changing the Windows account for IDriveService may be a red herring.



#23 2021-09-12 20:28:45

Registered: 2021-08-15
Posts: 28

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

I had initially done that (check "Remember Me" on IDrive login) and it did not solve the problem.

I just tried doing it again (after disconnecting from IDrive) and again "Backup Now" on my newly-created test file failed.

Something else regarding setting up the BackupUser admin-level account—it screwed up my running the utility PatchMyPC. The UAC window always asks me for the Admin password and I just typed it in as usual. It didn't work, but figured maybe I made a typo. Did it again—failed again. Then I noticed it was asking for the password for the BackupUser account and not the normal Admin account. I have no idea how that change occurred. I deleted the BackupUser account and that fixed that issue. Whether I would have had the same problem with another program down the road is an open question.

Thanks for sticking with me through all this, but I'm giving up—enough already! Maybe at some point I'll try calling IDrive tech support, but like I said, Backup Now is not a must-have feature for me and it certainly is not worth all this effort to try to make it work. I was curious to find a solution, but sometimes you just have to decide that it's really not worth the time.

Thanks again; I really do appreciate it.



#24 2021-09-12 20:35:10

Registered: 2018-02-23
Posts: 416

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

No worries.

If you eventually get any answers from IDrive Support, please update this topic.



#25 2021-09-12 20:38:49

Registered: 2021-08-15
Posts: 28

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

Will do!



#26 2021-12-30 14:56:34

Registered: 2021-08-15
Posts: 28

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

I have been emailing back and forth with IDrive support for the past several weeks with no progress made. They eventually had me reinstall the program, which did not solve the problem. Almost two weeks to the day ago, I sent them, as requested, a zip file of my C:\ProgramData\IDrive folder (after having edited, at their direction, the IDrive.ini file).

To this date, I still have not heard back from them. I will keep you posted.



#27 2021-12-30 16:12:37

Registered: 2018-02-23
Posts: 416

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

Thanks for the update. I wonder if they'll ever solve the problem!



#28 2022-04-13 16:40:36

Registered: 2021-08-15
Posts: 28

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

My apologies for this VERY tardy response. The problem was solved back at the beginning of January. I had been holding back posting here until I was sure that it really had been solved. By the time several days had passed and I finally accepted that the problem had indeed been solved, it just slipped my mind to come back on here and report due to me having a newsletter to prepare and distribute.

Anyway, IDrive support had me do the following after they had set up a test account for me to upload to:

1. Go to path C:\ProgramData\IDrive\IBCOMMON\

2. Locate file IDrive.ini and open it via notepad

3. Inside the file, locate the [IDrive] line inside the IDrive.ini file

4. Just below this line, type the string: keeptrace=1, and save the file (make sure this string is below [IDrive])

5. Now close the application and reopen the application

6. Run the backup operation

7. Go to C:\ProgramData and send us the IDrive folder in zip format.

NOTE : Please remove the entry 'KeepTrace=1' from ini file once you have the IDrive folder.

After I had done all this, IDrive support then emailed me an edited IDrive.ini file and requested that I replace my IDrive.ini file with their attached IDrive.ini file in the below location

*** THAT WORKED!!***



#29 2022-04-13 17:19:58

Registered: 2018-02-23
Posts: 416

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

Have you compared the new and old .ini files?

Be interesting to know what they changed!



#30 2023-01-03 17:09:15

Registered: 2021-08-15
Posts: 28

Re: "Backup Now" in File Explorer not working

Oh, my—apologies! I thought I had posted a reply ages ago, but I had not.

I compared the two IDrive.ini files—the old one and the one that IDrive sent back to me to correct the problem.

Using the WinMerge utility, I saw there were two differences, one of which looked inconsequential in that the text on the last line in the file was the same, but a blank line had been added after that line in the new file.

There was a second area in the new file that had been added, consisting of multiple lines of text, listing each Windows user on my system and my email address. These lines were added right after the line that read: WifiBackupSch=0."

I don't know if this would be helpful to anyone, but I wanted to get back to you with an answer.



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