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#1 2020-06-08 22:49:52

New member
Registered: 2020-05-06
Posts: 3

Run a script before and after completion of IDrive backup

Is it possible to run a script (BAT/CMD file) before or after the IDrive backup runs?

I've got my backups scheduled for 2am, so I could of course run something at 1:55am. But is there a way to automatically run a script after backup completes, rather than having to guess at when it might be done?



#2 2020-06-09 01:27:02

Registered: 2018-02-23
Posts: 419

Re: Run a script before and after completion of IDrive backup

bribri wrote:

I've got my backups scheduled for 2am, so I could of course run something at 1:55am. But is there a way to automatically run a script after backup completes, rather than having to guess at when it might be done?

No need to guess when its done wink

When IDrive is running a backup, it uses a process called idwutil_600.exe, so the script you run at 01:55 could stay running and monitor that process until it disappears.

tasklist | findstr "idwutil_600.exe"

will return errorlevel of zero if the task is not running, so you could loop until that happens (with some sort of pause*, to avoid too many resources being used), then continue the rest of the script and perform the after-backup tasks.

* depending on your version of Windows, you should have the timeout command, which will pause for the number of seconds you specify as a parameter.



#3 2020-06-09 13:03:34

Registered: 2018-02-23
Posts: 419

Re: Run a script before and after completion of IDrive backup

This seems to work, adjust it for your needs:


@echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Pre-tasks...
echo Waiting for backup to start

timeout 10
tasklist | findstr "idwutil_600.exe"
if NOT "!errorlevel!" == "0" goto WaitForStart
echo Backup started

timeout 600
rem 10 minute wait here to allow "Prepare file list" to complete.

timeout 10
tasklist | findstr "idwutil_600.exe"
if "!errorlevel!" == "0" goto WaitForFinish
echo Backup finished

rem Post-tasks...


The reason for the 10 minute wait is because idwutil_600.exe starts when the Prepare file list begins, but seems to quit again a few seconds later, then doesn't run until the backup actually starts.

You may need to play with this value.


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