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#1 2024-08-04 00:36:58

New member
Registered: 2024-08-03
Posts: 3

moving folders & files from one folder to another

Hi experta

I have been using IDrive for couple of years primarily to backup my NAS .last month my NAS gave up after 14 years and i got a new one

When i linked my new nas i linked it to existing connection so its backing up same files same location and does an incremental instead of full.
My new nas created another folder parallel.

Under new nas link there are 2 folders

Old ==> data\media

New==> volume1\

I have tried looking everywhere and googled all i want is move this media and its subfolder & files under Volume1.
I just sint want to upload 1 Tb data again when it is all right there.

Look fwd for your inputs.



#2 2024-08-05 23:36:57

Registered: 2018-02-23
Posts: 426

Re: moving folders & files from one folder to another

I don't think there's any way to do this on the IDrive side, and if you ask IDrive Support for help, they'll say they can't access your data.

They may suggest IDrive Express to ship your 1TB on one of their loan hard disks. You'd have to have one of the NAS brands they support. Its a pain because if you don't keep the old copies of the files, you lose the versioning.

As for the NAS side, maybe you could do something with symlinks, but it would be multi-level and you may be restricted by the NAS GUI. If you can get in via a Linux shell you may be able to do more, but there's a risk the NAS GUI won't understand what you've done which might cause problems later.



#3 2024-08-06 19:32:21

New member
Registered: 2024-08-03
Posts: 3

Re: moving folders & files from one folder to another

SteveA wrote:

I don't think there's any way to do this on the IDrive side, and if you ask IDrive Support for help, they'll say they can't access your data.

They may suggest IDrive Express to ship your 1TB on one of their loan hard disks. You'd have to have one of the NAS brands they support. Its a pain because if you don't keep the old copies of the files, you lose the versioning.

As for the NAS side, maybe you could do something with symlinks, but it would be multi-level and you may be restricted by the NAS GUI. If you can get in via a Linux shell you may be able to do more, but there's a risk the NAS GUI won't understand what you've done which might cause problems later.

Thank you for the response i thought moving folders within same connection should be easier. I will reupload it. Both my past one netgear readynas and current asustor is supported i was just trying to avoid reupload.



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